Morty ratings

Morty ratings

All about Morty ratings

Last Update 2023-09-18

First some quick definitions

Ratings: ❤️, 👍, and 👎 ratings that Morty users leave on experiences

Reviews: Written reactions to experiences

Viewing ratings and reviews

The rating ring

Throughout the app Morty's rating ring uses a hot/cold scale to show you the community's loves, likes, and dislikes.


Rating breakdowns

Tap on an experience and you may see what people say about individual aspects of it, such as its customer service.



If a Morty user has left a written review you’ll see that as well, along with their rating.

A ❤️ rating and written review
A ❤️ rating and written review

Ordering by rating

To see the highest rated experiences around you go to the map view, tap on the sort dropdown, and choose Community Score.

The Sort dropdown
The Sort dropdown
Sorting by Community Score
Sorting by Community Score

How is Community Score ranking determined?

User ratings are used to determine the score of an experience. When calculating the score we account for experience levels of individual users and patterns of suspicious behavior.

Note that private ratings are not factored into experience scores.

A text label is applied to experiences depending where on the score spectrum they fall:

  • Overwhelmingly Positive (Eligible if >50 ratings)
  • Very Positive (Eligible if >5 ratings)
  • Positive
  • Mostly Positive
  • Mixed
  • Mostly Negative
  • Very Negative
  • Negative (Eligible if <5 ratings)
  • Overwhelmingly Negative (Eligible if >50 ratings)

Here’s an article if you’d like to learn more about why Morty’s rating system works the way it does.

Leaving ratings and reviews

To rate an experience, first mark it as done. Then choose ❤️, 👍, 👎


Then tap on Add Review to continue on and leave further rating details and complete your review!

Rating breakdown
Rating breakdown
The review field
The review field

Also, if you're already looking at your list of reviews, you can tap through to an attraction, and then tap on Edit review


To our whole user base — thank you so much for all of your contributions! Your ratings and reviews of attractions on Morty help make the community better for everyone.